With a degree in Information and Communication Sciences, Federico Bellido Peris did his doctorate in History and Hispanic and Hispano-American Studies in co-direction between the University of Valencia (Spain) and the University of Grenoble Alpes (France).

Pre-doctoral fellow and Attaché Temporaire d’Enseignement et de la Recherche at the University of Grenoble Alpes, he is a member of the Centre for Hispanic Studies (CERHIS) of the ILCEA4 laboratory, as well as of the research group “Visual communication, history and social imaginaries” of the doctoral programme Communication and Interculturality. His area of specialisation revolves around cultural history and the history of social communication, and his main lines of research focus on the study of audiovisual representations of the recent past in the Spanish-American context.

He has been a visiting researcher at the Centro de Investigaciones y Estudios Superiores de Antropología Social (CIESAS Sureste) in Chiapas, Mexico, as well as at the Universidad Complutense and the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. He has published several research articles and book chapters in national and international journals and publishers, among them: La télévision prend la parole. La transition espagnole. Histoire, mémoire et médias, Les sources de l’appel contre l’indifférence en Espagne, La familia real española en el archivo de RTVE u Operación Palace : el 23-F y las nuevas prácticas de memoria.


Federico Bellido

SpecialityVisual communication, history and social imaginaries".UniversityGrenoble Alpes UniversityAreas of interestCultural history and the history of social communication and its main lines of research focus on the study of audiovisual representations of the recent past in the Latin American context.

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