Seminars, study days, congresses and meetings promoted by the project.
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- Activities
- Book Chapters
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- Calendar
- Congresses and study days
- Democracy and its Enemies (1918-1931)
- Franco's Spain (subproject 1)
- Franco's Spain, Fascism and Democracy in Europe (1945-1968)
- Magazine articles
- News
- Organisation: congresses, seminars, conferences
- Other publications
- Participation: congresses, seminars, conferences
International Congress: “The dictatorship of Primo de Rivera and its international context”.
International Congress: "The dictatorship of Primo de Rivera and its international context". Next March 6 and 7, 2025 will take place, in the Sala de…
Chapter: “Euroscepticism and Vox”.
Cavallaro, Maria Elena i Giorgia Priorelli. "Euroscepticism and Vox: Is It the End of Spanish Exceptionalism?" in Andrea Guiso i Daniele Pasquinucci,…
Exhibition: «Di intelligenza eletta e di animo buono»
Next Thursday, November 7, the inauguration of the exhibition “Di intelligenza eletta e di animo buono: Matteotti studente dell’Università di…
VI Seminari d’Història Política i Cultural (Universitat de Girona)
We present the poster of the VI Seminari d'Història Política i Cultural de la Universitat de Girona. The sessions will take place monthly, on…
Communication: “Memories, public policies and crisis of democracy: Spain and Argentina as opposed models?”
Next Friday, October 4, 2024, our researcher Maximiliano Fuentes will participate in the International Colloquium "Role and place of memorials in…
Article: “The empire in the ideology of the black shirts and blue shirts”.
Priorelli, Giorgia, "O império Na Ideologia Dos Camisas Negras E Dos Camisas Azuis: Um Estudo Comparativo". Análise Social, vol. 59, n. 252, 2024,…
Lecture: The “New Woman” of Fascism
The next 8th, 9th and 10th of May will take place the Doctoral Conference of the Course 2023-2024 of the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, with the…
Article: “Echoes of fascism. Radical right and populism, from Trump to Vox”.
Fuentes Codera, Maximiliano and Javier Rodrigo. "Echoes of fascism. Radical right and populism, from Trump to Vox." Ayer, 133, 2024 (1), 347-361.…
Article: “The never-ending threat of fascism”.
Giorgia Priorelli, "The never-ending threat of fascism. Between historical reality and contemporary propaganda", Con-Ciencia Social. Anuario de…
International Seminar: “The authoritarian space in post-war Europe”
International Seminar: "The authoritarian space in post-war Europe" This international seminar is organised by the ResearchProject PID…
International Conference: “El Wilsonisme Global”.
International Conference: "Global Wilsonism and its impact on Europe and America". November 2 and 3, Facultat de Lletres, Universitat de Girona. The…
V Seminari d’Història Política i Cultural (Universitat de Girona)
Presenting the programme for the 5th Seminar on Political and Cultural History of the University of Girona. The sessions will take place monthly, on…
Chapter: “Against Democracy Right-Wing Supranational Horizons”.
Fuentes Codera, Maximiliano. "Against Democracy. Right-Wing Supranational Horizons between Spain and Argentina (1914-1945)" in Toni Morant, Julián…
Article: Latinism and Hispanism in the Hispano-American Right
Fuentes Codera, Maximiliano. "Latinism and Hispanism in the Hispano-American Right in Interwar Spain and Argentina". Fascism 12.1, 2023, 55-80.…
Article: “Arming Upstanding Citizens”
Castillo Cañiz, Assumpta, "Arming Upstanding Citizens: Dynamics of Civilian Disarmament and Rearmament in Restoration Spain", Contemporary European…
Conference: “XVI Congreso de la AHC: Miradas al pasado, miradas al presente. Nuevos horizontes de la historiografía contemporánea”
Conference: "XVI Congreso de la Asociación de Historia Contemporánea: Miradas al pasado, miradas al presente. Nuevos horizontes de la historiografía…
Workshop: “National Self-Determination in the Twentieth Century”
Workshop: "National Self-Determination in the Twentieth Century". 28-29/08/2023 - Johan Skytte Institute of Political Studies, University of Tartu…
Conference: “Fascisms past, present and future”
Conference: "Fascisms past, present and future" Federico Finchelstein (The New School of Social Research, NY) 22/06/2023, Faculty of Arts of the…
The authoritarian space in post-war Europe. The contested construction of democracy (1945 – 1960)
Call for Papers International Seminar The authoritarian space in post-war Europe. The contested construction of democracy (1945 – 1960) …
Panel: “Fascism vs Democracy?”
Panel: "Fascism vs Democracy? A historical debate about democracy, crisis, and violence today". 17 April 2023, 18-20h, The New School for Social…
Conference: “Latinity and Classicism”
Conference: "Latinity and Classicism: Eugeni d'Ors, Rafael Sánchez Mazas and the Discourse of Spanish Falangism" III International Symposium on…
Book: “Machiavelli in the Spanish-Speaking Atlantic World”
The book "Machiavelli in the Spanish-Speaking Atlantic World, 1880-1940", by our researcher Leandro Losada, has recently been published by Edinburgh…
Conference: “Armar a la buena ciudadanía”
Conference: "Armar a la buena ciudadanía. Dinámicas de desarme y rearme de civiles en la España restauracionista" Universidade Nova de Lisboa, 3…
Conference: “Fascismos, ultraderechas y derechas radicales”
Conference: "Fascismos, ultraderechas y derechas radicales: Un debate entre el pasado y el presente" University of the Basque Country, 17 March 2023,…
Book: “La palabra ambigua. Los intelectuales en España, 1889-2019”
The 26th of January saw the release of "La palabra ambigua. Los intelectuales en España, 1889-2019", written by project researcher David Jiménez…
Article: Iconos y Sanctasanctórums de la patria
Cao Costoya, David. "Iconos y Sanctasanctórums de la patria: las galerías de ciudadanos ilustres en Catalunya y Balears (1871-1923)", Pasado y…
Conference: “Arming Upstanding Citizens”
Conference: "Arming Upstanding Citizens: Dynamics of Civilian Disarmament and Rearmament in Restoration Spain" as part of the Santos Juliá History…
International Conference: Political Outbreaks Against the Liberal Order (1917-1940) Practices and celebrations
December 14 and 15, 2022 - Institute of Social Sciences of the University of Lisbon (Institute of Social Sciences-University of Lisboa and University…
The Spanish Transition of the 1970s “from below”: Centering the Role of Social Movements
Our colleagues Nicolás Sesma (as speaker) and Daniel Canales (commentator) are participating in the Seminar: The Spanish Transition of the 1970s…
Conference on the Transition (1975-1982)
Miguel Ángel Ruiz Carnicer, one of our principal investigators, is taking part in the CELAN Conference on the History of the Transition, which will…
Book Chapter: Temps convulsos: els desafiaments a les democràcies europees en el període d’entreguerres
The collective volume 90 anys de la Segona República edited by Josep Lluís Martín i Berbois and the Memorial Democràtic de la Generalitat de…
Workshop: Niccolò Machiavelli and populism in tension
First meeting: 1st september Location: Aula Lectura Mundi- Campus Universidad Nacional de San Martin 10:30 Stefano Visentin (Università degli Studi…
Call for Papers: Political Outbreaks against the Liberal Order (1917-1939). Practices and Celebrations
Recently, the scientific community has rethought the political outbreaks that characterized the interwar period. In 2017, new studies on the…
Semillas que no germinan. Los Iberismos y la superación de la decadencia
On 29 November, César Rina will give a lecture entitled “Semillas que no germinan. Los Iberismos y la superación de la decadencia” in the framework…
Transnational Agents: Right wings intellectuals in the Latin space in the age of Fascism
On 25 August, Maximiliano Fuentes and Patrizia Dogliani will be presenting a paper at the XXIII International Congress of Historical Science, to be…
La revista España: espacio de confluencia y ensayo de los regeneracionismos republicanos (1915-1924)
El próximo 19 de mayo, el profesor César Rina dará una conferencia titulada “La revista España: espacio de confluencia y ensayo de los…
Journal number: “Ecos imperiales: diálogos sobre la Imperio Nostalgia”
Matteo Tomasoni y César Rina Simón (coords.), "Ecos imperiales: diálogos sobre la Imperio Nostalgia", Revista de Historia Jerónimo Zurita, 99, 2021.…
Portugal in the regenerationist project of the magazine España (1915-1924)
On 6 October 2021, César Rina will take part in the congress A invasão silenciosa. Presença portuguesa nas revistas literárias ibéricas da 1ª metade…