Presenting the programme for the 5th Seminar on Political and Cultural History of the University of Girona.
The sessions will take place monthly, on Fridays, at the Cartoteca de la Facultat de Lletres de la Universitat de Girona, from 11am to 2pm. We have a first-class line-up, with historians and historians of international renown in their field.
Download the programme here.
Organised by the Grup d’Estudis Culturals, Artístics i Polítics (s. IX-XXI) of the Institut de Recerca Històrica de la Universitat de Girona. [GRHCS109], the project “Spain, the first post-war period, the dictatorship of Primo de Rivera and its articulations with Italy, Portugal and Argentina” (PID2020-112800GB-C22), part of the coordinated project “Comparative post-wars. From democracy in retreat to the triumph of democracy in Europe and America. Fascisms, conservatism, dictatorships and their legacies (1918-1968)” (POSCOM), the Research Group on War, Political Radicalism and Social Conflict (GRECS) and the VOICES network. Funded by the Department of History and Art History (UdG).