Giaime Pala has a degree in Letters from the Università degli Studi di Cagliari (Italy) and a PhD in History from the Pompeu Fabra University. He teaches Contemporary History at the University of Girona. Until now, his historiographical interests have focused mainly on the history of intellectuals and the history of communism.
Among his latest works, we can find: Cultura clandestina. Los intelectuales del PSUC bajo el franquismo (Comares, 2016); «Nación y revolución social. El pensamiento y la acción del joven Jordi Solé Tura» (Historia y Política, 2019); «Aperturismo y populismo. La figura política de Eduardo Tarragona en la España franquista (1950-1969)» (Historia Social, 2020). He is also a member of the Editorial Board of Segle XX. Revista catalana d’història.
SpecialityHistory of intellectuals and in the history of communism.UniversityUniversity of Girona