Conference: “Arming Upstanding Citizens: Dynamics of Civilian Disarmament and Rearmament in Restoration Spain” as part of the Santos Juliá History Seminar at the Instituto Universitario Ortega y Gasset in Madrid.

Next January 19, our researcher Assumpta Castillo will participate in the Santos Juliá Seminar, where she will discuss her text “Arming Upstanding Citizens: Dynamics of Civil Disarmament and Rearmament in Restoration Spain” with the professor of the Universitat Carlos III de Madird, Eduardo González Alley The text addresses the actions of the State to arm and disarm the civilian population in Spain during the convulsive last years of the Bourbon Restoration (1917-23), and how this had an impact on the escalation of violence and terrorism in those years.

More info, by clicking here.