Maximiliano Fuentes holds a PhD in Contemporary History and is professor in Universitat de Girona, where leads the Càtedra Walter Benjamin, Memòria i Exili. He was visiting lecturer in École des Hautes Études en Sciences Socials, the Freie Universität, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Universidad Nacional de San Martín and visiting professor in Università di Bologna. He is specialist in Political and Intellectual History in Europe and Spain in the twentieth century, holding more than forty journal articles and book chapters. He focused part of his research in Eugeni d’Ors and Great War’s impact in Spain. Among his latest works, highlight «La Gran Guerra de los intelectuales: España en Europa» (Ayer, 91, 2013), «Los intelectuales españoles frente a la Gran Guerra: Horizontes nacionales y europeos» (Historia y Política, 33, 2015, edited with Ángel Duarte) and the books España en la Primera Guerra Mundial. Una Movilización cultural (2014), A Civil War of Words. The cultural impact of the Great War in Catalonia, Spain, Europe and a glance to LatinAmerica (2016, with Xavier Pla and Francesc Montero), Un viaje por los extremos. Eugenio d’Ors en la crisis del liberalismo (2017), Ideas comprometidas. Los intelectuales y la política (2018, with Ferran Archilés) and La Patria hispana, la raza latina: política y cultura entre España, Italia y Argentina (1914-1945) (in press, with Patrizia Dogliani).
SpecialitySpanish and European political and intellectual history of the 20th century.UniversityUniversity of GironaLinkwww.udg.edu