Conference: "Latinity and Classicism"
Conference: "Latinity and Classicism: Eugeni d'Ors, Rafael Sánchez Mazas and…
Book: "Machiavelli in the Spanish-Speaking Atlantic World"
The book "Machiavelli in the Spanish-Speaking Atlantic World, 1880-1940", by…
Conference: "Armar a la buena ciudadanía"
Conference: "Armar a la buena ciudadanía. Dinámicas de desarme y rearme de…
Conference: "Fascismos, ultraderechas y derechas radicales"
Conference: "Fascismos, ultraderechas y derechas radicales: Un debate entre el…
Book: "La palabra ambigua. Los intelectuales en España, 1889-2019"
The 26th of January saw the release of "La palabra ambigua. Los intelectuales…
Article: Iconos y Sanctasanctórums de la patria
Cao Costoya, David. "Iconos y Sanctasanctórums de la patria: las galerías de…
Conference: "Arming Upstanding Citizens"
Conference: "Arming Upstanding Citizens: Dynamics of Civilian Disarmament and…
International Conference: Political Outbreaks Against the Liberal Order (1917-1940) Practices and celebrations
December 14 and 15, 2022 - Institute of Social Sciences of the University of…
The Spanish Transition of the 1970s "from below": Centering the Role of Social Movements
Our colleagues Nicolás Sesma (as speaker) and Daniel Canales (commentator) are…
Conference on the Transition (1975-1982)
Miguel Ángel Ruiz Carnicer, one of our principal investigators, is taking part…